Ordre des hygiénistes dentaires du Québec (OHDQ)

Explore the awareness campaign conducted by Casacom for the Ordre des Hygiénistes Dentaires du Québec (OHDQ), aimed at promoting the profession.


In September 2020, Bill 15 granted dental hygienists greater autonomy. However, the general public remained largely unaware of what these professionals do. 

That’s why Quebec’s order of dental hygienists commissioned CASACOM to conduct a 360-degree awareness campaign on the modernization of their profession.

Strategy and Activities

  • Develop campaign and advertising concept
  • Produce TV and radio ads
  • Create a digital content and media purchase strategy
  • Update visual identity and optimize the campaign microsite
  • Produce short videos, including a candid vox pop video for social media
  • Create and execute media relations strategy with a Leger survey


Audience of the television shows targeted by the campaign
TV audience
Total number of vox pop video views on social media
Impressions of content on social media
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