Privacy policy and terms of use

1. Privacy

Your privacy is important to us. To help you understand how we protect the privacy of your personal information, we’ve published this Privacy Policy explaining our practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information on this website.

This policy is subject to change at any time and any changes will be posted on this page. This policy applies to every user of our website, every person who benefits from our products and services, and every person who voluntarily provides us with personal information.

2. Website

The website of Communications CASACOM inc (“CASACOM”) is operated by CASACOM (the “Operator”) and Meb Agence Web inc (“Subcontractor”). Users consulting the website are bound by these terms and conditions.

The CASACOM name and logo are the property of CASACOM. All contents of the website are also the property of CASACOM, unless otherwise indicated, and are protected by copyright laws. If you wish to use, copy, translate, publish or distribute them, you must obtain prior written authorization from CASACOM.

Website :

For the purposes of this policy, the terms “you” and “user” refer to any user of our website, products or services.

Person responsible for the protection of personal information

Casacom’s Privacy Officer is Marie-Josée Gagnon, President. To contact her, write to

3. Collection of personal information

This website uses cookies. To learn more about cookies, please consult our cookie policy.

Your personal information is collected through:

  • Our contact forms
  • Cookies and web beacons
  • Prospecting activities carried out by members of our team, particularly on platforms such as LinkedIn

The personal information we collect is as follows:

  • Your last name
  • Your first name
  • Your employer
  • Your home address
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your telephone number
  • Your fax number
  • Your payment information (credit card and other information communicated by PayPal), if applicable
  • Any information you voluntarily give us
  • Your photos from our events and activities.

Authorized personnel may correct, update or add personal information.

4. Use of personal information

To the extent permitted by applicable law, we collect, process and use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To respond to your requests and questions in connection with our activities and services; to ensure that we can provide you with our services and process your requests (orders, comments, communications, etc.) that you are entitled to receive as a customer
  • For research and development purposes to improve our services, understand your needs and modify our service offerings, taking your needs into consideration
  • For marketing purposes, in particular, to present you with new services
  • To comply with any obligation imposed by law, regulation or any other rule or regulation
  • For recruitment purposes
  • In the event of a reorganization of CASACOM, including any transaction involving CASACOM, which would notably require the transfer of Personal Information to a third party as part of any due diligence
  • To verify your identity in the event that you wish to exercise your rights with respect to your Personal Information (right of access, rectification, deletion, portability, etc.)

5. Sharing your personal information

Your personal information is accessible only to our employees, subcontractors or suppliers, notably to enable them to provide the services required by CASACOM, whose functions so require, as well as to any other person when such a transfer is required as part of a reorganization of CASACOM in accordance with the foregoing. Such persons are required to protect such information in accordance with this policy or in accordance with the same level of protection afforded to personal information by CASACOM.

Assigned passwords and usernames are not made available to any person or entity other than the user and personnel authorized by us.

We may disclose a user’s personal information for reasons expressly set out in the act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector C.P-39.1, including to our lawyers, following the issuance of a writ of subpoena or other court order, or for the purpose of preventing an act of violence.

We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from unauthorized disclosure. We will only use, transfer or market personal information provided to us in accordance with this policy and with your prior consent if required by any applicable law. Your personal information is stored on our dedicated space on the Meb Agence Web inc. server, located in Montreal, Quebec (Canada).

6. Retention period

We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. Subject to any applicable law, once the purposes have been fulfilled, we will destroy your personal information or make it anonymous for serious and legitimate purposes.

Right of access and rectification

In accordance with applicable privacy legislation, you have the right to ask us whether we hold personal information about you and to obtain a copy of such information, where applicable and subject to any exceptions.
You also have the right to rectify any personal information that is inaccurate, incomplete or equivocal, or if its collection, communication or retention is not compliant or authorized under the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector, RLRQ, c. P-39,1.

Withdrawal of consent

Subject to any applicable law, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection of your personal information.

Right of deletion

Under certain circumstances, including if the collection of personal information is not authorized by any applicable law, if such information is out of date or not justified by the purpose of the collection, you have the right to have such personal information deleted from our holdings.

Right to be forgotten

You may ask us to stop disseminating personal information about you, or to de-index any hyperlink attached to your name that allows access to such information by technological means if such dissemination contravenes the law or a court order. You may do the same, or request that the hyperlink providing access to this information be re-indexed if the dissemination of this personal information causes you prejudice by infringing on your reputation or privacy.

Right to portability

You have the right to ask us to communicate to you, in a structured and commonly used technological format, in a written and intelligible form, any computerized personal information that we have collected from you. Upon your request, this information may also be disclosed to a person or organization authorized to collect your personal information.

Right to information on processing

You also have the right to ask us for information about our processing of your personal information, including the type of personal information we hold and how we process it.

Exercising these rights

To exercise any of the above rights, please complete the form below, providing all information required to process your request. We will process your request within a reasonable time or in accordance with any time limit required by applicable law.

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By removing your personal information from our database, you will no longer be able to receive our communications, as you will no longer be on our mailing lists.

If you are a resident of the province of Quebec, any disagreement relating to the application of legislation concerning access and/or rectification of personal information may be referred to the Commission d’accès à l’information for investigation.

7. Security measures in place

We are fully committed to preserving the security of your data. We have put in place physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information you provide online. To this end, we use the following measures:

  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol
  • Encryption of communications
  • Network monitoring software
  • Computer backup
  • Login and password
  • Firewall
  • ReCaptcha

8. Place of storage of personal information

Your personal information is stored via a cloud service on the servers of one of our service providers. Your personal information may be stored outside Quebec, elsewhere in Canada or abroad.

9. External links

Our website may contain links to external sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such linked external websites.

If you believe that an external website accessed through a link on our website does not comply with our privacy policy, please contact us.

10. Consent to receive mailings, e-mails and other communications

If you provide us with your postal address and/or e-mail address when you are explicitly informed of our mailing lists, you may receive periodic communications. These notices can be found on our website.

At any time, you can use the unsubscribe option at the bottom of each e-mail. If you continue to receive e-mails despite unsubscribing, please contact us.

If you change your e-mail address during the year, please contact us to ensure that you continue to receive our communications.

11. Report a privacy incident

At any time, you can report a privacy incident, which means any unauthorized access to, use, or disclosure of personal information, as well as its loss or any other form of breach of protection.

To do so, please fill out this form:

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